Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Being Forced to Slow Down Is Not All Bad

Wow! I was forgetting what peace is like with two boys running around non stop. Illness has kept us from our usual routine, and offered a gift at the same time. I have stomach bug "Duane" to thank for this.(I am naming the stomach bugs like hurricanes to add humor to an otherwise tragic situation!) As I type this a perfect storm of nap schedules has occurred for the first time in months. Both children are sleeping at the same time!

This week in spite of everything being turned upside down, client schedules, blogging, etc. I have stopped to really appreciate the moments I have with my young children. It is so easy to get caught up in everything that I have to "do" that I forget to stop, and appreciate the smaller moments. Everyone says to "enjoy them while they are little", and for today I am stopping to do just that.

We are surrounded by so much chaos and stress. If you are blessed with small children in your midst take time to really see and hear them. It may just be the best few minutes of your day or your week. Take time to see all the things around you that are beautiful. They are beautiful everyday, we just have to stop and take notice.

Remember that you are amazing and worth loving, take care of yourself everyday!

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*Mental Health Therapist* Specializing in Anxiety and Relationships. (Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi -)

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